online and European Trainings coming up!
Comments From workshop or training participants (some translated from German):
“Wonderfully complementing and deepening to SE; very inspiring for my work with clients”
“I have never experienced a class in which time just flew by as in this one. The whole class was an exceptional experience. Thank you very much.”
“It is amazing how much Darrell crystalizes his information. He expresses so much with very few words.”
“It was great to meet you and receive the benefit of your ... expertise ... last week! Thank you again for the attention and new input you offered to me in those short but profound interactions. I am still integrating the new energy that you helped to free up....”
Upcoming Tuning board trainings or webinars
Upcoming live Online Workshops and webinars:
Upcoming in-Person Trainings:
Zurich, May 4-5, 2024: “The Body in Tune (Basic Introduction to the Tuning Board)"
Zurich, May 9-11, 2024: “The Vestibular System and the Reflexes”
Zurich, May 11, 2024: “Advanced Vestibular and the Tuning Board”
Zurich, May 14-15, 2024: “Neuroplasticity and the Tuning Board”
Berlin, May 23-25: “The Tuning Board, the breath and the Vagus”
Zurich, November 9-10, 2024:“The Body in Tune (Basic Introduction to the Tuning Board)"
Zurich, November 13-14, 2024:“The Developmental Movement Process:From Horizontal To Fluid Verticality”
Zurich, November 19-20, 2024:“The Tuning Board, the breath and the Vagus”
Zurich, May 9-10, 2025: “The Body in Tune (Basic Introduction to the Tuning Board)"
The following In-Person trainings were postponed due to continued issues with the pandemic. We will reschedule for a later date:
POSTPONED: Hamburg, May 14-16, 2021: “The Tuning Board Level II”
POSTPONED: Berlin, May 21-23, 2021: “The Tuning Board Used in Somatic Experiencing®,Level III”
POSTPONED: Zurich, June 5-6, 2021: “Diaphragms and the Tuning Board”
POSTPONED: Zurich, June 10, 2021: “Consultation Evening with Darrell Sanchez and the Tuning Board”
POSTPONED: Zurich, June 12-13, 2021: “Using the Tuning Board to Address Whiplash”
POSTPONED: Zurich, May 6-8, 2022: “The Tuning Board Level 2: Working with reflexes and the vestibular system”
POSTPONED: Zurich, May 11, 2022: “The Tuning Board, Chronic Pain, and Joints”
POSTPONED: Zurich, May 13-15, 2022: “The Tuning Board and a Balanced Pelvis, Part 1”
May 4-5, 2024 (Saturday- Sunday)
“The Body in Tune (Basic Introduction to the Tuning Board)"
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Using the Tuning Board to Develop Vertical Embodiment Resources and Orienting Capacity
Health is characterized by centeredness, balance, connectedness, and movement
In this workshop, the Tuning Board will be used to explore the body in balance relative to stability and motion. Participants will improve kinesthetic awareness and gain an increased sense of their own embodiment. They will learn strategies for developing somatic resources such as grounding, centering, openness, connection, and orienting in their clients. They will also identify and work with restrictions and fixated patterns that hinder the full expression of health, and that may be caused by trauma, injuries, or engrained habits of use.
Teacher: Darrell Sanchez, Ph.D.
May 9-11, 2024 (Thursday-Saturday)
“The Vestibular System and the Reflexes”
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Our vestibular and proprioceptive systems are responsible for our facility to realize balance through the body. Balance is the ability to maintain our center and our verticality over our base of support while making fine adjustments in the field of gravity. From here we nurture grounding, orienting and responding to what is happening around us in the environment and what we experience in the body.
In this seminar we will use the Tuning Board to experience how our reflex system is the foundation for maintaining our posture and awareness of moving, orienting, determining actions and making postural adjustments to the conditions we encounter in life.
We will explore the relationship of the vestibular structures of the inner ear, the proprioceptive system, the cerebellum and the relation of balance to the visual system. We will explore any personal experiences we encounter that may have traumatically influenced our ability to balance and orient. Injury, disease, certain drugs, aging and psychological factors can affect or impair our sense of balance and confidence in our embodiment. We will also examine the relationship of our awareness to the voluntary and involuntary movements that arise as we encourage a sense of curiosity and play in equilibrium and motion.
This seminar represents the next fundamental step after the Tuning Board Basic Training (The Body in Tune) in learning what the Tuning Board is, what it does, and what happens when we are on it.
Teacher: Darrell Sanchez, Ph.D.
May 11, 2024 (Saturday)
“Advanced Vestibular and the Tuning Board”
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
This course is for those who have already taken Darrell Sanchez's "Vestibular System and Reflexes" class.
We will deepen our embodiment and understanding of the function of the Vestibular System with advanced exercises and practice. We will use the introduction and information from the first seminar to deepen our sense of how our own individual vestibular organs are operating within our own structure. We will make note of any associations that arise as a result and to encourage more awareness of the importance of the vestibular system for equilibrium and balance on many levels.
Next date for the Tuning Board basic class "Vestibular System": May 9 – 11, 2024
Conditions: basic class on the Vestibular System completed
Teacher: Darrell Sanchez, Ph.D.
May 14-15, 2024 (Wednesday - Thursday)
“Neuroplasticity and the Tuning Board”
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
The USA National Institutes of Health defines neuroplasticity as: "The ability of the nervous system to change its activity in response to intrinsic or extrinsic stimuli by reorganizing its structure, functions or connections after injuries, such as a stroke or traumatic brain injury." This same ability can be used to reorganize and heal brain alterations and changes from trauma toward health, balance and improved function. We will go into the Tuning Board movement as it touches on healthy and traumatically effected patterns to encourage better nervous system function and felt sense experience.
Basic Tuning Board class "The Body in Tune" completed
Next date for the Basic Tuning Board class "The Body in Tune":
May 4 - 5, 2024
Teacher: Darrell Sanchez, Ph.D.
May 23-25, 2024 (Thursday-Saturday)
“The Tuning Board, the breath and the Vagus"
Location: Berlin
This embodiment forum will focus on locating and experiencing in our own bodies the respiratory centers, diaphragm, and vagus nerve. We will learn how to use the Tuning Board to bring movement awareness into these important structures, both for oneself or a client. Developing a greater intimate felt sense of these structures will help connect us and our clients to our life-giving breath.
Next date for the Basic Tuning Board class "The Body in Tune":
May 4 – 5, 2024
November 9 – 11, 2024
Teacher: Darrell Sanchez, Ph.D.
For more information and to register, email:
November 9-10, 2024 (Saturday- Sunday)
“The Body in Tune (Basic Introduction to the Tuning Board)"
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Using the Tuning Board to Develop Vertical Embodiment Resources and Orienting Capacity
Health is characterized by centeredness, balance, connectedness, and movement
In this workshop, the Tuning Board will be used to explore the body in balance relative to stability and motion. Participants will improve kinesthetic awareness and gain an increased sense of their own embodiment. They will learn strategies for developing somatic resources such as grounding, centering, openness, connection, and orienting in their clients. They will also identify and work with restrictions and fixated patterns that hinder the full expression of health, and that may be caused by trauma, injuries, or engrained habits of use.
Teacher: Darrell Sanchez, Ph.D.
November 13-14, 2024 (Wednesday - Thursday)
“The Developmental Movement Process: From Horizontal To Fluid Verticality"
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
We will explore the developmental movement sequence from childhood to adult as we progress from infancy and lying on our backs to coming to standing vertically in the field of gravity. We will work with the implications of different tasks in movement development at the different stages that we face as we progress from horizontal dependency to adult agency. We will relate the reflexive movement of when we were a child to a fluid relationship to the adult in the field of gravity.
Teacher: Darrell Sanchez, Ph.D.
November 19-20, 2024 (Tuesday-Wednesday)
“The Tuning Board, the breath and the Vagus"
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
This embodiment forum will focus on locating and experiencing in our own bodies the respiratory centers, diaphragm, and vagus nerve. We will learn how to use the Tuning Board to bring movement awareness into these important structures, both for oneself or a client. Developing a greater intimate felt sense of these structures will help connect us and our clients to our life-giving breath.
Next date for the Basic Tuning Board class "The Body in Tune":
May 4 – 5, 2024
November 9 – 11, 2024
Teacher: Darrell Sanchez, Ph.D.
Registration and Information: English Deutsch
May 9-10, 2025 (Saturday- Sunday)
“The Body in Tune (Basic Introduction to the Tuning Board)"
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Using the Tuning Board to Develop Vertical Embodiment Resources and Orienting Capacity
Health is characterized by centeredness, balance, connectedness, and movement
In this workshop, the Tuning Board will be used to explore the body in balance relative to stability and motion. Participants will improve kinesthetic awareness and gain an increased sense of their own embodiment. They will learn strategies for developing somatic resources such as grounding, centering, openness, connection, and orienting in their clients. They will also identify and work with restrictions and fixated patterns that hinder the full expression of health, and that may be caused by trauma, injuries, or engrained habits of use.
Teacher: Darrell Sanchez, Ph.D.
Registration and Information: English Deutsch
Postponed - New Dates TBD: (was Scheduled forMay 6-8, 2022)
“The Tuning Board Level II: Working with Reflexes and the Vestibular System"
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Description: Our vestibular and proprioceptive systems are responsible for our facility to realize balance through the body. Balance is the ability to maintain our center and our verticality over our base of support while making fine adjustments in the field of gravity. From here we nurture grounding, orienting and responding to what is happening around us in the environment and what we experience in the body.
In this seminar we will use the Tuning Board to experience how our reflex system is the foundation for maintaining our posture and awareness of moving, orienting, determining actions and making postural adjustments to the conditions we encounter in life.
We will explore the relationship of the vestibular structures of the inner ear, the proprioceptive system, the cerebellum and the relation of balance to the visual system. We will explore any personal experiences we encounter that may have traumatically influenced our ability to balance and orient. Injury, disease, certain drugs, aging and psychological factors can affect or impair our sense of balance and confidence in our embodiment. We will also examine the relationship of our awareness to the voluntary and involuntary movements that arise as we encourage a sense of curiosity and play in equilibrium and motion.
This seminar represents the next fundamental step after the Tuning Board Basic Training (The Body in Tune) in learning what the Tuning Board is, what it does, and what happens when we are on it.
Teacher: Darrell Sanchez, Ph.D.
Postponed - New Dates TBD: (was Scheduled for May 11, 2022)
“the Tuning Board, Chronic Pain, and Joints"
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Description: Chronic pain is one of the most disturbing and disruptive conditions to our peace of mind and normal functioning. We will use movement and the Tuning Board in this seminar to explore our postural and movement habits that keep us feeling at the mercy of chronic pain. We will use our awareness and new biomechanical patterns to change the patterns of how we function in the world. We will review the fascia system of the body and see how it can help or hinder us in finding the freedom and relief we crave in our bodies from continual discomfort .
Teacher: Darrell Sanchez, Ph.D.
Postponed - New Dates TBD: (was Scheduled for May 13-15, 2022)
“The Tuning Board and A Balanced Pelvis: Part I"
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Description: “The Tuning Board helps to slowly change the position of the pelvis."
The pelvis can be described as the seat of embodiment in that it is the center of gravity of the body. This stable shell of bone protects the sensitive and vital organs of the abdomen. The basin is designed so that fine movements between its individual bones are possible. Excretory and reproductive organs are thus gently massaged and held in a stable position. In the chakra system it is connected to the first chakra of survival at the pelvic floor and the second chakra of sexuality below the navel.
The feeling of grounding and power that comes from the feet and legs is transferred up to the middle station of the body in the Pelvis. This is where the nerve signals from that movement are recorded. They stimulate the proprioception at the joints of hip, sacrum and lumbar spine and on the lower abdominal organs, then continue on up the spine and into the brain. These neuronal sensations and the associated information from our experiences in gravity are important for our inner knowledge that we are connected to Earth and can trust where we are are and how we respond to our world.
The pelvis can be affected by births, car accidents, sexual abuse, falls, psychological conditioning from childhood or other traumatic and stressful experiences. In such cases, the normal movement and healthy sensation associated with a balanced pelvic function are diminished.
The Tuning Board sends waves of movement up through the legs into the pelvis. The pelvis responds to these movement impulses - or not, based on how free or restricted this part of the body is. Mindfulness in this area brings information into consciousness with which we can then continue to work.
Teacher: Darrell Sanchez, Ph.D.
Postponed - New Dates TBD: (was Scheduled for May 21-23, 2021)
“the Tuning Board Used in Somatic Experiencing®, Level III: The Lived-In Pelvis"
Location: Berlin, Germany
Description: “The Tuning Board helps to slowly change the position of the pelvis."
The pelvis can be referred to as the seat of embodiment in that it houses the body’s center of gravity. It is the durable bowl of bones that protects the delicate and essential organs of the lower abdomen. It is designed to allow subtle movement between the bones that make up the pelvis and permits a caressing and stable motion to the organs of elimination and reproduction. In the chakra system the pelvis relates to the first chakra of survival at the pelvic floor and the second chakra of sexuality below the navel.
The sense of grounding and power transmitted through the feet and legs travels to the mid-station of the body at the pelvis. It is here that nerve signals are picked up from that movement and stimulate the proprioception at the hip, sacrum and lumbar spine joints and the lower viscera to continue to the spinal cord and brain. These neural sensations and the associated information from our experiences in the pelvis are important in telling us we are connected to the earth and confident about where we are and how to respond to our world.
The pelvis can be the site of much trauma and stress from such experiences as child birth, automobile accidents, sexual abuse, falls, childhood psychological conditioning, etc. As such, we can lose the normal movement and healthy sensations related to balanced pelvic function.
The Tuning Board sends waves of motion up through the legs and into the pelvis. That motion shows how the pelvis moves or doesn’t move with the waves being delivered by the movement from below. This can clearly show how free or restricted the pelvis is. From here we can work with the information that emerges in the individual’s awareness.
Teacher: Darrell Sanchez, Ph.D.
To register or for more information, email
Postponed - New Dates TBD: (was Scheduled for June 5-6, 2021)
“Diaphragms and the Tuning Board"
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Teacher: Darrell Sanchez, Ph.D.
Registration and Information Coming Soon: English Deutsch
Postponed - New Dates TBD: (was Scheduled for June 10, 2021)
“Consultation Evening with Darrell Sanchez and the Tuning Board"
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Teacher: Darrell Sanchez, Ph.D.
Registration and Information Coming Soon: English Deutsch
Postponed - New Dates TBD: (was Scheduled for June 12-13, 2021)
“Using the Tuning Board to Address Whiplash"
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Description: Whiplash injuries are common in our modern society, and alarmingly widespread. Every year millions of people are involved in car accidents that cause personal injury. These and other types of accidents that cause whiplash injuries often lead to chronic pain, jaw pain, myofascial and ligament pain, injuries inside the head, cognitive and emotional stress, and PTSD.
Many of our clients come to us precisely because of their whiplash injury, while others do not remember the old injuries and do not realize how deeply they are still anchored in their bodies. These clients can name a variety of problems without connecting them to a previous whiplash injury, especially if it happened years ago.
In this seminar we will deal with the definition of Whiplash, or cervical spine injuries caused by acceleration / deceleration, and its effects on the wholeness and well-being of the individual. Topics will be:
Using the Tuning Board to work with whiplash injuries
Analysis and definition of what happens in whiplash injuries
Parts of the body that are typically injured and how they are injured
Description of the movements and reactions of a body in whiplash injuries
Primary injury areas and secondary effects
Teacher: Darrell Sanchez, Ph.D.
Registration and Information Coming Soon: English Deutsch
To Request a Training in Your Area, Contact Us at
Informational List of Tuning Board Trainings:
Tuning Board Basic Training: “The Body in Tune: Using the Tuning Board
to develop Vertical Embodiment Resources and Orienting Capacity"
Tuning Board Basic Training for Practitioners: “The Body in Tune: Using the Tuning Board in Somatic Therapy to develop Vertical Embodiment Resources and Orienting Capacity"
The Tuning Board Used in Somatic Experiencing®, Levels I, II, and III
The Tuning Board for Movement Teachers and Practitioners: A Somatic Tool for Pilates, Yoga, and Dance
The Tuning Board Level 2: Working with reflexes and the vestibular system
The Tuning Board, Eyes and Emotions
The Tuning Board’s Use in Working with the Head, Neck, and Upper Spine
The Tuning Board and Moving the Vagus
The Tuning Board and the Pelvis, Levels I and II
The Tuning Board, Archetypes and the Imagination
The Tuning Board and Whiplash
The Tuning Board and Diaphragms
Yoga, Inner Stability, and The Tuning Board
Consultation Class with Darrell Sanchez, Ph.D.
Tuning Board Q&A with Darrell Sanchez, Ph.D.
Note: The majority of the above courses include perspectives on these topics of interest as they relate to trauma.