about darrell sanchez
Darrell Sanchez, Ph.D is a Certified Advanced Rolfer™, psychotherapist, Teacher, Rolf Movement™ Practitioner, Craniosacral Therapist, and professional dance instructor and performer . He has been studying, practicing, teaching, and performing in the movement and healing arts since 1974. The common thread woven through all of Darrell's work is the facilitation of creative transformation in the experience of the whole person. Over forty-four years of knowledge and experience in dance, psychology, functional movement, body-centered work and the creative process contribute to the rich array of skills that he brings to his work as a holistically-based Rolfer™, therapist and instructor.
Darrell's published articles related to Rolfing structural integration, creativity, the body's memory, and the Tuning Board (a balancing device he invented) may be accessed online at rolfingboulderdenver.com/publications.
Following are Darrell's advanced certifications and degrees in the healing and performing professions:
Certified Advanced Rolfer™
Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)
Certified Somatic Experiencing™ Practitioner
Certified Rolf Movement™ Practitioner
EMDR Certification
Certified Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist
Board Certified Structural Integrator
Ph.D., Higher Education and Social Change: emphasis on Creativity
Masters Degree in Psychology
Bachelor of Arts in Dance
As an Advanced Rolfer™, Darrell has been serving Boulder and Boulder County, Denver and Denver County through his Rolfing® SI and Trauma Transformation practice since 1986. For more information about Darrell's work, explore this website or contact Darrell for a free consultation.