Join us for an upcoming online event!
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Comments From workshop or training participants (some translated from German):
“Wonderfully complementing and deepening to SE; very inspiring for my work with clients”
“I have never experienced a class in which time just flew by as in this one. The whole class was an exceptional experience. Thank you very much.”
“It is amazing how much Darrell crystalizes his information. He expresses so much with very few words.”
“It was great to meet you and receive the benefit of your ... expertise ... last week! Thank you again for the attention and new input you offered to me in those short but profound interactions. I am still integrating the new energy that you helped to free up....”
“Darrell has got an unbelievable presence.”
Online: Friday, January 27, 2023, 12:00 - 1:15 MST, 20:00- 21:15 CEDT
“Dr. Sanchez Answers Your Questions About Professional Therapeutic Use Of The Tuning Board"
Location: Virtual Event Across Global Timezones
Description: This 75-minute event is for therapists with ongoing questions and curiosity about using the Tuning Board in their practices. We will have a model available so that Dr. Sanchez can demonstrate his answers to your questions on the Tuning Board. Give us your questions in advance, or ask them in real-time.
We will reserve some time at the end of the Q&A to allow attendees to share experiences and hear from each other about how they are using the Tuning Board professionally.
Teacher: Darrell Sanchez, Ph.D.